Robbie Lew passed a lie detector test. There were three questions in the official report:

– Did you use any fraudulent devices while playing poker on Hustler Casino Live?
– Did you cheat in any way while playing poker on Hustler Casino Live?
– Did you collude with anyone while playing poker on Hustler Casino Live for the purpose of cheating?

She answered "no" to everything. According to the test results, it was found that with a probability of 99.99% that she is telling the truth.

Robbie plans to continue to fully cooperate with the investigation and has already agreed to provide her phone for any checks.

Garrett Adelstein is also not sitting idle. He posted a huge post on 2+2 (, where again he expressed his suspicions.

There is nothing new in there, Garrett just repeated his thoughts in great detail, for those closely following the saga.

The high-profile story continues to be closely watched outside of the poker world. Another article was published in the Los Angeles Times , which provides a direct speech by Garrett himself, Daniel Negreanu, Veronica Brill and other famous players.

Full of dramatic angles, Garrett's photo shoot for this material was the new inspiration for memes on Reddit .

Doyle Brunson was asked about his opinion on the scandal :

“I'm sure Doyle is enjoying this drama with Robbie. And how did you resolve such disputes in the days when there was no twitter?

“With .38 special ,” Doyle replied.

– ''Imagine if GMan expressed suspicions of cheating against Tony Spilotro,'' – Daniel Negreanu fantasized. “He would have been feeding the fish at the bottom of Lake Mead that same evening, even if he had been right.''

Dan Smith hosted the first $2,000 buy-in, $1,000 rebuy charity tournament under the auspices of his DoubleUpDrive Foundation.

Only Dan's close friends participated, they made 21 entries, but did not skimp on rebuys. As a result, the prize pool amounted to about $100,000, of which half was donated to charity.

Dan himself received an honorable mention for the highest number of rebuys.

The final table included John Monette, Scott Seiver, Joe Ingram , Chris Hook and other well-known regulars.

“I got to the final without any problems, as I spent hours studying Robbie's game,” boasted Joe Ingram.

Chris Hook was the winner.

– ''Isn't this the first final table in Chris' career?'' – said Henrik Hecklen.

– “I found my niche where – you can make 9 rebuys,” Chris explained his success.

Naturally, this wasn't Chris' first final table, but in recent years he's really focused more on the big live action in Vegas. Since the World Series, Hook, Scott Seiver and other high rollers have been playing an high stakes mix at Aria almost every day, with stakes going up to $5k/$10k.

“The main conclusion from this whole scandal is how lucky I am that I have the opportunity to play in open and fair games in Las Vegas, ” Seiver admitted . – Everyone is welcome in them, and all participants are trustworthy. Maybe players should look in that direction more often.

“In any poker room, the most pleasant atmosphere usually exists at the tables with mixed games,” Lewis Spencer supported him.

“That's what I'm talking about,” Scott continued. “They are also the funniest. Complete psychopaths show their true colors and hide nothing. This is art. This is poetry.''

– Why is there still no podcast that tells stories and hands from these games? one reader wondered.

“Then we would all be canceled immediately,” Chris Hook explained.

Jonathan Little conducted a poll among readers :

Would you take $200,000 right now or free WSOP Main tickets for the rest of your life?

Opinions were divided – there were surprisingly many people who would choose to participate in the Main Event.

“Everyone who chooses the freeroll is a great illustration of why so many people are in financial trouble,” writes one commenter. – If you have $200k, an extra $10k a year won't be difficult.

Isaac Haxton was surprised by the results of yet another Twitter poll.

What "gift" would you choose?

– +100 points to IQ
– know the future a week ahead
– a billion dollars
– the ability to read minds at a distance of 3 meters

– ''How can you choose a billion instead of the ability to look into the future?'' Ike was surprised. “It will give you unlimited access to money.''

Lex Veldhuis and his wife became parents for the second time:

Our daughter Yuna was born this morning ♥️♥️♥️. Mom and baby feel great, and I'm just crazy with happiness 😍.

Nick Howard made another motivational thread that caused a furor amongst regulars:

– In 2012, I had to eat dog food. It was the low point of my life. I was grinding the micros at the time and 90% of my funds were online. And today I manage one of the largest backing funds in the world.

''Why did you eat dog food? I’m really interested,” Patrick Leonard asked.

“I had no money at all, and the neighbor had a dog,” Howard explained.

“Such clickbait should have consequences,” said Max Silver and posted a meme with the caption “Getting poker coaching from someone who would eat dog food is a mistake, change my mind.”

“My dog ​​food costs more than 99% of human food, lol,” Jason M responded.

UpswingPoker were quick to announce on Twitter that their trainers don't eat dog food.

Matt Waksman's reaction

The Bellagio is hosting a high roller series, which didn't seem to stir up much excitement.

For example, Stephen Chidwick won the $10,000 tournament and got 2.5 buy-ins for first place. The players were limited to four entries, and Stephen was the only one who made a re-entry. It was planned that the winner would take the 'impressive' prize pool in its entirety, but in heads-up Chidwick and Jackie Wang immediately split it.

None of the Hold'em tournaments has had more than 20 entries. In the $25,000 9 player tournament, Steve Zolotov defeated Mikita Badziakowski heads-up. Nick Shulman beat everyone in the 15-player tournament, and Justin Bonomo won two tournaments – a $25k ( 17 participants ) and a $10k ( 16 entries ).

Surprisingly, Omaha tournaments turned out to be more attractive. There were three of them, and in all the number of entrances exceeded the magical mark of 20.

The $25k PLO was won by Isaac Kempton.

– ''It was too easy! he wrote after the victory. Give me stronger opponents next time.''

Daniel Negreanu described it as "the softest table of my life":

– Ben Lamb, Dylan Weisman, Sean Winter, John Riordan, Jeremy Ausmus, Isaac Kempton, Ronald Kaiser, Alex Livingston, Sam Soverel. That's it. These are all participants of the tournament.

“That’s why we were so happy when you showed up,” Ben Lamb retorted.

“And how happy were you when I sent you to the cashier for the rebuy?” Daniel stated.

“We both had two entries,” Ben pointed out.

Four American billionaires – David Friedberg, Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis and David Sachs – host a popular podcast that discusses politics, finance and other pressing issues.

In one of the latest episodes, they touched on the topic of poker, and it turned out pretty ridiculous.

Here are a few views expressed by them without a shadow of irony:

Phil Hellmuth is the greatest player in history. He has a unique ability to read opponents.
– One of his greatest strengths is the ability to adapt to the GTO players. They play purely from memory, and Phil provokes them to make mistakes, as a result of which they simply give him chips.
– There are special programs online called HUD, they prompt the players to make all the right decisions right during the game.

“I can’t believe that such smart people believe in such nonsense,” Charalabos Voulgaris said categorically.

And Doug Polk decided to answer in full:

– Hellmuth is not the best player in the world, he is always in the red in difficult lineups.

– GTO cannot be “exploited”, and no one makes mistakes because of it.

– HUDs are not real-time solver hints.

In general, these are one of my favorite podcasts, but in poker they are very far from reality.

Phil Hellmuth couldn't get past this attack:

– When people lie about my results, and I correct them, and they immediately call me a "braggart." It's infuriating! #FakeNewsDoug says I'm a minus in "difficult lineups". Until 2011, I was, but after 2012, in high stakes mixed games, I've had 28 winning sessions in a row, ask Eli Elezra and David Gray.

I've played 25 televised high stakes hold'em games and have won on 24 of them.''

– Over the past 13 months, I finished in the top 9 of the WSOP and US Poker Open tournaments 14 times.

– At the High Stakes Duel show, I won 9 out of 10 heads-up matches against the strongest players in the world.

– I have 16 WSOP bracelets.

I will continue to beat both cash games and tournaments. And some will never understand why I win and how I manage to get such an advantage due to "ability to read." The haters will continue to annoy me even when I win my 24th bracelet.

Charalabos Voulgaris is ready for the start of the NBA season.

Bencb showed how he made "the easiest $55,000 of his life".