At the end of last year, Viktor "Enlight" Kudinov became one of the main characters of the high stakes games. By the end of November, he played the most hands on GG, and in terms of profit he lost only to Kevin Paque.

On the WPN network, Enlight's results were even more impressive, where he confidently took first place.

Every month, a new topic is opened on 2+2 to keep track of what's happening at high stakes. On the first page, they either write “first”, “second”, and so on, or leave comical predictions / comments. In the December topic, many noted Victor's achievements. One user predicted that Enlight would send Linus back to $50/$100. And Makeboifin went even further and suggested that soon Victor would conquer the world.

– ''How is it *** even possible to win $300k on WPN?'' – mid stakes grinder GazzyB123 was shocked.
– ''And I was more impressed that he played 40k+ hands there at NL5-10k in a month, and in all rooms more than 60k hands,'' – Slugant joined Enlight's army of fans.
– “He plays shorthanded and heads-up with anyone any day,” Gulo Gulo explained. – ''There are days when the game is played at 5-6 tables of NL10k.''
In mid-December, Victor started playing heads-up with Markus Lekikkonen.

Sometimes they played 4 tables at once.

Hands at the table are actively accompanied by emojis.

In one of the sessions, Kevin Paque was third at the table, but Markus asked him to leave.
M Leikkonen: HU pls
Viktor Kudinov: let's play 3h, don't be boring!
M Leikkonen: nah, gonna go gym then
Kevin and Victor were greatly impressed by this statement.

The match between Viktor and Markus continues to this day with varying degrees of regularity. The other day, Enlight, in his signature laconic style, answered a few of our questions.
How did your heads-up with Makeboifin start? Did you have any challenges? What about results?
– They just started happening, and he and I are interested. There are no conditions for the distance, etc. We just play when we want to.
He seems to have played very little this year. What made him interested in heads-up with you?
– He, most likely, simply does not care who he plays with, and there are no others who want to.
– Judging by the chat, he insists on heads-up, but are you ready to play 3-max as well?
– I generally like both 3-max and HU, but lately there have been few 3-max games, so I want to play them more often.
– Are you ready to play any lineups, both heads-up and 3-max?
– Yes.
– Do you find action easily? Or is it not a problem at all on high stakes now if you are ready to regwar?
– There are quite a lot of people who want to play with me, of those who often play, these are Linus, Kevin, Nacho, Davy, Gale, Darrel Goh, Munez, Avr0ra. All these guys are ready to play any 3-max+ lineups, and many of them in HU. There were a few other people who played with me, but recently they won.

Victor confirmed his willingness to play 3-max with anyone.

Viktor Kudinov: Kevin, do you still play from your laptop?
Viktor Kudinov: can you add tables?
Kevin Paque: From the phone
Viktor Kudinov: I see . Run home faster, I want to play normal fun four tables.
Kevin Paque: Be careful what you wish for.
Viktor Kudinov: You both seem to be rich enough that I don't have to worry about zeroing you out too quickly.
At a full table, Enlight also had time to assess the actions of opponents in hot pursuit.

Barack Wisbrod put Victor's image as his avatar and immediately noticed positive changes in the game.

Barak Wisbrod: with a new avatar, it immediately became better to play
Wouter Beumers: who is this?
Barak Wisbrod: Mr. Kudinov
Wouter Beumers: I'll put Addamo for myself soon
Barack went to check the effectiveness of the new avatar at $500/$1,000.

By the end of December, Victor again had no equal in terms of the number of hands played. He also showed quite decent profit.

With PLO and mix-games legend BERRI SWEET, no one has been playing his core disciplines for a long time, but the other day he managed to have a small session with omaha4rollz.

In hold'em, only the strongest also play with him.

In recent years, Berri has played heads-up with almost every top regular. Recently, in the midst of another discussion about the strongest players, he appeared in a 2 + 2 thread and shared his rating of top regulars:
– The most difficult HUNL players I've played with, in order:
1. AF (Asian Flushie)
2. MBF (Makeboifin)
3.LL (LLinusLLove)
All three played very well. They have given me noticeably more problems than any other high stakes regs that I myself have played or watched them play.
One of the commenters admitted to Berri that he has long been his fan and even named a dog after him, which he recently took from a shelter.

“Gorgeous dog(s),” Berri said. – I don’t know how to quote several posts at once, so I’ll answer here. I get asked a lot about GG. I would play there 24/7 if it was legal in Sweden, if you didn't have to reveal your name there, and if everyone played at a convenient time for me. You understand that, unfortunately, this will never happen.
On GG and without Berri, there is no shortage of action.
This month, the expensive PLO tables are soloed by a player with the nickname luckexpress.
Longtime poker fans remember this nickname from Full Tilt battles shortly before Black Friday. The Italian Marcello Marigliano played under it. The online results were not the most stable.

But I remember, first of all, a crazy bluff against Tom Dwan in one of the television shows.
Whether Marcello returned online after 10 years or whether someone just liked his nickname remains a mystery. We only know that the new luckexpress also prefers PLO. He ended one session with $850k and forced Laszlo Bujtas to throw out the white flag himself.

A little earlier at the same table, Eelis "EEE27" Pärssinen surprised the audience when he cashed out in a huge pot.

However, luckexpress was unable to consolidate the success, in the next session he did not win a single big hand.

In the biggest pot he played, he managed to show up on the turn without a single out, which is quite an extraordinary achievement for Omaha.

“What crazy action,” GazzyB123 commented on the hands. – ''Guys at NL, we obviously picked the wrong game.''
“At least we don't pay +10bb/100 rake on the most expensive tables,” Makeboifin reassured hold'em fans.
In one of the last sessions, luckexpress again put it in as a big underdog on the turn, but a gutshot was enough to win.

The biggest pot of the evening was played in a three way all-in. This time, luckexpress was the favorite with the nuts and redraws, but only took the sidepot.

The results of players for 2022 in all rooms and at different limits can be found in a thread on the forum .

Enlight was not included in the list of the most profitable players on GG, as he suffered a lot during the summer games with crazygamble.

Victor then lost about a million.

Crazygamble has played less than 3,000 hands and has not appeared at the tables since. That result was enough for him to take the 5th most profit at the end of the year.