TigerGaming has updated the rules for regular leaderboards in BOOST fast poker.

Now each limit has its own leaderboard where 1 dollar of rake earns one point, and only rake hands with 3 or more participants count.
The guaranteed prizes have increased as well: previously $5,000, now $9,500:
- NL10 – $2,000 (100 prize places)
- NL25 – $2,290 (150)
- NL50 – $5,200 (200)
The scoring period runs from 19:00 on Sunday to 18:59 the following week (GMT). Prizes are paid out in game bonuses (GB, equivalent to cash dollars) and tournament dollars.
Place | Prize |
1 | $85 |
2 | $75 |
3 | $60 |
4 | $50 |
5 | $40 |
6-10 | $30 |
11-20 | $25 |
21-30 | $20 |
31-34 | $10 |
35-39 | $8.5 |
40-45 | $7.5 |
46-50 | $6 |
51-100 | 5.50 TM |
Place | Prize |
1 | $100 |
2 | $80 |
3 | $60 |
4 | $50 |
5-10 | $40 |
11-15 | $30 |
16-19 | $27 |
20-24 | $25 |
25-29 | $22 |
30-34 | $20 |
35-39 | $17 |
40-45 | $15 |
46-50 | $12 |
51-100 | $11 |
101-150 | 5.5 TM |
Place | Prize |
1 | $150 |
2 | $120 |
3 | $100 |
4 | $90 |
5-9 | $80 |
11-14 | $60 |
15-19 | $55 |
20-24 | $50 |
25-29 | $45 |
30-34 | $40 |
35-39 | $35 |
40-45 | $30 |
46-50 | $25 |
51-100 | 22 TM |
101-200 | 11 TM |
Top players will also receive additional tournament tickets:
- For $0.05/$0.1 and $0.1/$0.25: Top 10 – $25,000 GTD, Places 11-15 – $10,000 GTD
- For $0.25/$0.5: Top 3 – $200,000 GTD, Places 4-5 – $25,000 GTD