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All GipsyTeam authors
Ilya Gorodetsky
Ilya Gorodetsky

Ilya Gorodetsky

Founder and chief editor of the GipsyTeam website.

The most famous Russian-speaking poker commentator. Thanks to his work on TV and on live broadcasts from the biggest world poker series, thousands of players became interested in poker and many of them became successful regulars.

In addition to being a well-known poker journalist, Gorodetsky is a former successful limit games player. He's a Candidate Master of Sport in Chess. Runs the popular telegraph channel "Random Garden", dedicated to sports and poker.

All materials of the author on GipsyTeam:
  • Aura Kings: Las Vegas Big Boss Fight
    Aura Kings: Las Vegas Big Boss Fight

    Gia Skhulukhia took on five other lucky players on the final table of a $1,100 tournament that saw over 5,000 entries. This time, he succumbed to the pressure of his opponents.

  • One to not watch: new poker movie with Russell Crowe
    One to not watch: new poker movie with Russell Crowe

    From 4.2 to 5.5 points out of 10 – this is how viewers and experts around the world rate 'Poker face' with Crowe and Hemsworth. John Sofen of PokerNews found that the people were absolutely right in this case.