Yuri doBRO-11 // Life is a Game of Money and Time
Dobro wrote in detail about his village adventures during the holidays on the Russian forum (by the way, it turned out to be the longest post, and he likes to write long reads).
Summary of the holidays:

First winter catch!

Beautiful Christmas trees!



And forced candlelit dinners:

Overall, it turned out to be very active and eventful.
Andrey strkk // Programming, Travel, Poker
We live in Canada, and here December in general and especially the end of it is the time when everyone takes vacations and celebrates Christmas. Work practically stops, and kindergartens are closed. For us, this was a great excuse to go on a trip to Europe and spend Christmas in Valencia. Although snow and cold are a more familiar setting, warmth and sea are also good for this holiday.
It was amazing to see the tangerine trees covered with these same tangerines (by the way, not at all tasty).

Despite the warm weather, there was a Christmas tree in the central square, a skating rink, and Christmas markets with garlands everywhere. What else do you need for a southern European Christmas mood?

The main dish of the Christmas table (in a restaurant, though) was, of course, paella.

But my eldest daughter and I celebrated the New Year together at home, in cold, snowy Montreal. On our modest New Year's table there was herring and carrot cake bought at the supermarket.

There was no New Year's mood – my daughter had jet lag after the transatlantic flight. Her sleep pattern went down and, as a result, mine too. And so we just went to bed around 9 pm without any events or adventures.
Ruben Darkneofit // Cognitive Approach
These New Year holidays were more eventful than usual – in between posts on GipsyTeam, we walked a lot in the vicinity of the Kaliningrad region.
We went to Zelenogradsk, this year it was especially beautifully decorated:

We walked a lot in the forest – snow is not a frequent occurrence in Kaliningrad, and there was none on New Year’s Eve, but then…

How can you not take a look at the sea and have a picnic right by the water:

Walks around snowy Kaliningrad gave us many beautiful shots:

We visited the New Year's fair:

Overall, we had a great weekend, and it felt like you lived to the fullest during those days. We don't have a Christmas tree yet, but we do have some eye-catching compositions:

Dmitry Deemmmy // Poker for the walkthrough! Deemmmy's blog
I've been living in Croatia for three months now, and the New Year here was just fire (literally – fireworks were launched almost until the morning). Friends from the UK came for the holidays, and we celebrated the New Year in such a way that January 1 turned into a classic hangover walk on the beach. Sea air, by the way, is the best detox, especially if you drink coffee and complain to each other about life beforehand.

In the evening we had a fasting day with light drinks and games.
On the first weekend of the new year we went to Pula. It is a small town, but with a rich history – the local amphitheater, for example, is one of the largest and oldest in the world, and they made a skating rink in it for the holidays – the child could not get enough of it. You could say the gladiator atmosphere is 10/10. We walked along the old streets, enjoyed the views of the sea. In short, we received a charge of energy and positivity.

Of course we drank mulled wine, in my town there is a castle and there was a Christmas cafe, in the evening everything lights up – very atmospheric.

I was already in business from January 2. The festive lineups were no worse than the festive snacks: there was enough fish, but they also threw in some regs so that life would not seem like honey. In any case, I managed to quickly get into the rhythm and play a decent distance. I feel that the year started off well – the main thing is that this momentum continues.
Glory to Fenomenico // Mixing disciplines and limits…
Usually I don't celebrate the New Year for very long and return to the tables on January 2-3, but this year I spent several days relaxing with my family and friends – finishing last year's salads, watching New Year's movies and cartoons, playing board games. One day we got together with a large group for a noisy feast and had a great time. Oh yeah, I also got a little stuck in Path of Exile 2, I haven't played many computer games lately, but here for several days I happily immersed myself in unscrewing the horns of all sorts of evil spirits.
In general, I managed to rest and recharge 100%, and also think about plans for the next year. Sweet New Year's compositions, however, passed me by, because I played my first session this time only on Christmas.
Fedya Lorem // t.me/LoremCDMX. Poker, MMA and karaoke

I celebrated New Year and Christmas with my girlfriend's family. We had a Christmas dinner with grape eating while the chimes were ringing and making wishes (a Mexican tradition).
I'm not a big fan of holidays, but if everyone around me is celebrating, then so be it, I won't be a Grinch and will pretend that I'm celebrating too :)

Well, for this reason I usually play on December 31st or January 1st (especially since I don't drink now, since I'm on a healthy lifestyle). I didn't really notice any New Year's lineups, to be honest, but they were there (at least that's what the FF selection department says). Apparently, either I was very unlucky with the seating every time, or I just got spoiled.
Alexander OGamee already played a record session (+$3,500) on January 1 and spent 12.5 hours at the tables. Isn't this the best start of the year?