How hard is it to switch from Holdem to Omaha in 2024? Apparently, the answer is: not hard! In early July, the GreenLine foundation launched a new direction, Junior PLO, which trains players of the lowest stakes for free. To qualify, it is enough to have 40,000 hands played (at a plus) at least at NL10. But before launching the course for everyone, GreenLine decided to recruit a test group among the core players. In this article, we have collected their impressions and results.
We'll spoil the answer to the main question right away: the transition is possible if you're ready to seriously pump up your tilt resistance (due to high variance and heavy downswings) and spend enough time rebuilding your strategy, especially studying preflop. In return, you'll get a game with amateurs with high loss rates, easier selection, more action, and a good win rate.
Regular PL100-PL600
Stas Python changed two cards to four out of boredom.
Hold'em, to be honest, has been boring for a long time. I was a mediocre player who played with slightly positive results. It is difficult to have fun under such circumstances. When I found out that GreenLine offers retraining in Omaha, I decided to try it. I did not risk anything and pulled out a golden ticket.
The first impressions were the most positive: compared to Holdem, the game pleased more fans and fewer regs. The GTO routine ended, the game with soul began. The game turned out to be a match for my talents, here you can open up. I am sure that the skills acquired in Holdem will be useful in Omaha.
I agree with the opinion that has been expressed for a long time: if your psyche allows you to endure pain and humiliation, then you will enjoy the game. But if you take losing 5-10 stacks a day to heart, you may have difficulties with Omaha. But you can learn everything, and endure dispersion too.

Regular PL400-PL1000
Denis Peop1e made the decision to switch to Omaha after talking to a coach who had quit Hold'em himself. It worked out well, so Denis ended up teaching at Greenline Junior PLO himself.
My first impressions of Omaha were amazing – it was like being in a real zoo. The preflop was difficult for me, I had to review a lot. However, the skills of playing against amateurs, acquired in Hold'em, turned out to be effective in Omaha as well. I especially appreciate the dynamic equity in PLO – this is what attracts amateurs so much.

Regular PL400-1000
Mikhail Kmichael chose five-card Omaha.
There are many nuances. From the banal: it is often not very good to go all-in preflop – due to the close equity of hands, the game becomes very disposable. On the contrary, amateurs like this. More action – more fun game.
Many of the skills acquired in Hold'em are useful in Omaha. Evaluating ranges, exploiting amateurs and regulars, working with blockers – all of this is similar. The game is, of course, more complex, with many specific spots and nuances, but this is precisely why you can have an advantage.

Regular PL200-600
Greenline Junior PLO coach Phillip Philfromhell was playing NL200-600 hold'em in late 2022 and trying to win back the makeup he had put in at NL1000.
A friend played Omaha, constantly folded hands and told about me the compositions and selection, which was almost non-existent at his limits: wherever you jump, there are fish everywhere. I felt like a table manager, not a poker player. I really wanted to switch and master a new discipline, to play cards, and not select. So when GreenLine announced a group for switching from Holdem to Omaha, I was one of the first to join and I don't regret it at all.
Initially, I planned to mix Holdem and Omaha, but in the end, I didn't play a single hand in NLHE. The hardest part of the transition was learning the preflop. At first, I clearly felt how much more concentration was required to read the hands themselves. I played the same number of tables, but I got tired much faster, I felt like my brain was starting to melt, although I could easily play hold'em for hours.
When you start playing a new discipline, there are no automatisms yet, which are developed with experience. It is clear that slipping into autopilot is such a bad idea, but you do some primitive actions on autopilot anyway."
In general, Omaha is played more with heart. There is less soul in Hold'em, and how can we talk about soul if the number of combinations of opponents can be estimated on the fingers of one hand?!

If you are tired of Holdem, join GreenLine Junior PLO! The course consists of two group training sessions per week, a series of assignments and tests, as well as individual lessons every 40 thousand hands. The material is truly unique: you won't find such information on the Internet, and it is updated regularly.
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