Knowledge of mathematics is the foundation for a successful career in poker. While weak opponents at low limits may allow you to win without them, mathematics becomes vital at NL10-NL25 and above. Fortunately, players don't need anything extravagant, and you don’t need to toil in academia to learn the concept of implied odds.

So, what are implied odds?

Implied odds in poker describe how much you stand to win on future betting rounds of a hand. Players can use this to weigh the profitability of calling or folding, using future outcomes to help decision-making.

The concept isn’t as academic as it might first appear

The concept is directly related to pot odds, which provide a mathematical answer to the question: "Is it profitable for me to call my opponent's bet now?"

What is the difference between pot odds and implied odds?

The main difference is that the pot odds are calculated for the current street, while the implied odds are used for current and future streets.

The disadvantage of the implied odds concept is obvious. We cannot read our opponent's mind, so we cannot be confident in the bets on the following streets. The opponent may stop investing money in the pot, throwing our plan out of the window.


The essence of implied odds is easier to demonstrate with an example.

Let's say we are dealt As2s preflop and call our opponent's 2 BB raise. The pot size is 5.5 BB (two player’s bets + blinds). On the flop, we see 3s8dQs.

We don't have a made hand, but there is a chance to make a flush on the turn or river. According to mathematics, we will complete the combination on the turn 19% of the time. The opponent makes a continuation bet of 2 BB, and we need to determine the profitability of calling.

Let's calculate the pot odds: 2 : (5.5 + 2) *100 = 26.6%.

It seems unprofitable to continue, as we will make our hand in 19% of cases, meaning that we should call a bet of no more than this value. This is where implied odds come into play.

If we assume our opponent will continue betting on the turn and increase their bet (or pay our bet), then calling is no longer unprofitable.

To calculate the odds, you will have to remember the numbers for key combinations

Let's add a possible turn bet of 4 BB to the formula: 2: (5.5 + 2 + 4) * 100 = 17.3%. Taking into account the turn bet, our flop call becomes profitable. When you’ve practiced these kinds of calculations, you’ll be a step ahead many of your online opponents, especially at lower stakes.

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Mathematics is the basis of poker, so strictly following it will lead to many profitable decisions. A side effect of calculating pot odds is that you will avoid investing money in unprofitable situations. Understanding pot odds cures the desire to make unprofitable calls hoping to "get there" with a gutshot.

In summary, using pot odds in every hand is a step from an amateur to a professional poker player.

The topic of pot odds is well covered in "Poker Math Made Easy" by Roy Rounder. The author addresses questions about outs, pot odds, and implied odds. We have a separate article about this book.

For those who prefer independent study, working with software and watching videos is suitable. Beginners will benefit most from poker calculators like Flopzilla, which are great for developing an intuitive understanding of combinatorics and memorizing ranges.

Flopzilla’s interface

If you’re just looking for a simple way to calculate your probability of winning, use our free online calculator.

On the internet, you can easily find dozens of videos on any poker concept. For beginners, we also recommend taking a look at our dedicated Telegram channel which curates strategy videos and hand analysis from some of the brightest poker minds.

GipsyTeam also offers many other useful articles in a catalog. Find out where to start learning poker or study the meaning of various poker terms to understand the game and players better.

Our GipsyTeam Shop also has popular programs like Hand2Note and Holdem Manager 3.

The skills of calculating pot odds, implied odds, and outs are easier to hone during actual play. The ideal option to practice against real opponents is free tournaments from GipsyTeam.

If you are interested in free tournaments offered by top poker rooms, the full schedule and current passwords for freerolls can be found in a special section on the GipsyTeam website.

To gain access to tournaments, create an account in the appropriate room using a link from our website. Just go to the page of the desired room and follow the instructions.

If you have any problems or questions, write to GipsyTeam support. Support specialists will be happy to help you register in any room with maximum bonuses, buy and install FlopZilla or other software, and start playing in freerolls. They are available 7 days a week on Telegram, Skype, and Discord.

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