Statistics in poker are extremely useful – and profitable.
Based on the data from the tracker, you can quickly understand who is in front of us: an amateur or a regular.
Statistics also help to recognize more complex tendencies in your opponent’s strategy. How often does your opponent bluff, what ranges does he 3-bet, is he able to throw away top pair by 3 barrels – the tracker will answer all these questions.
What is WTSD in poker and what is its meaning? Let’s talk about that.
What is WTSD?
WTSD stands for “Went To ShowDown”.
WTSD is a statistical indicator from a poker tracker. It reflects how often a player comes to showdown and has to compare hand strength with other players. The indicator counts situations when a player sees the flop and goes to the end of the hand.

If a poker player folds preflop, then the hand will not be included in the WTSD statistics.
Progress to showdown is considered one of the basic statistical indicators, along with VPIP, PFR, 3-bet, and ATS.
WTSD answers the question: “Should I bluff my opponent?”
The more often a player goes to showdown, the worse he is for bluffing. The reverse logic also applies: the more often an opponent goes to showdown, the tighter we should bet with strong combinations. If your opponent is not willing to give up weak made hands, then it is logical to try to force him to pay as much as possible against your best hands.
Some players confuse WTSD and WWSF. The latter stands for “Won When Saw Flop.” This stat shows how often your opponent wins a hand when he sees the flop. The higher the WWSF, the more aggressive the opponent is postflop. Typically players with high WTSD have low WWSF. Those who like to watch the showdown usually act passively and respond with calls to their opponents' bets. WWSF grows with aggressive actions like barreling or check-raising.

Optimal WTSD Values to Look For
There are no universal solutions in poker, meaning there is no optimal WTSD number.
Inexperienced players will begin to compulsively go to showdown with weak hands. Let's say a player heard in a training video that the optimal WTSD is 27%. Then he looks at his statistics, sees a WTSD of 25%, and concludes that there is a lack of strategy. From now on, instead of making rational decisions, the player will correct the numbers in the tracker.
In most cases, WTSD will rise and income will fall.
It is more important to understand the essence of the indicator.
- A WTSD of 20-22% is considered low. An opponent with such statistics often gives up postflop and goes to the showdown exclusively with strong combinations.
- A WTSD of 30-32% is considered high, meaning that your opponent likes to go to showdown with weak hands.

Making it to showdown is useful, but still a general indicator. Don't decide to bluff a particular hand based on this number alone. Consider other factors such as board structure or your reputation in the eyes of your opponents.
At short-hand and full-ring tables, different WTSD values are considered normal. If in 6-max the stat should be 27-28%, then at the Full Ring table the number is slightly lower – 24-25%.
How to Use Statistics in Trackers
A few years ago, many poker players feared that statistical software would be banned. All because of partypoker's decision and Unibet's financial success. However, you can still play with statistics in many large rooms. Even GGPoker gives players built-in statistics and is gradually developing SmartHUD more and more.
Information from trackers continues to provide enormous benefits to poker players. Let's list the most important stats:
- VPIP. Voluntary investment of money in a pot. The higher the indicator, the wider the opponent's range.
- PFR. How often does a player enter the pot with a raise? PFR combined with VPIP makes it possible to assess your opponent's playing style. The greater the difference between VPIP/PFR, the more passive the opponent.
- 3-bet. How often does a player reraise preflop? The higher the 3-bet, the more aggressive the opponent.
- Attempt to steal. How often does a player steal blinds? If the raising range does not increase from early to late positions, then we have a weak or novice player. Experienced opponents understand the importance of steals and strive to take the blinds as often as possible.
- Hands. Indicates the number of hands that we have collected against our opponent. The larger the sample, the more accurate the data from the tracker.

The built-in HUD on GGPoker has two key problems: a small number of available stats and statistics reset after leaving the table. Normal trackers accumulate information rather than erasing it after each session.
Modern trackers collect hundreds of statistical indicators. You don't need to memorize each of them right away. Move from the most general to the specific as you learn poker. Over time, one glance will be enough for you to understand what kind of opponent you have and how to beat him.
Best Statistic Collecting Programs for Online Poker
There are dozens of statistical programs for poker. We bring to your attention the best of them:
- Hold'em Manager 3. Displays a visual graphic HUD, and saves system power during the game. Anyone can evaluate the program for free with a 14-day trial.
- PokerTracker 4. A convenient HUD designer, deep filters, and full compatibility with the Mac operating system have ensured the demand for PT4 for 10 years now. The developer allows you to try PT4 for 14 days.
- Hand2Note. The most modern and advanced poker tracker. The enormous speed of loading hand history, automatic notes, and the ability to explore the entire field of the room are just some of the advantages of H2N. For beginners, the basic version of the tracker works for free.
Trackers and other software can be purchased in the GipsyTeam store. We give bonus points for every purchase. With them, you will save on your future tools.